There are lots of opportunities at WRIU, whether you are interested in having a radio show or working behind the scenes.

URI undergraduates interested in having a radio show should contact the RIU2 program director to see if there are any open slots on RIU2, WRIU’s completely student-run online-only station.

Shows on RIU2 are completely freeform, but those wishing to eventually move to WRIU-FM should be mindful of our non-commercial music format and the types of music we feature. You might also want to talk to the music director for the type of music you’re most interested in.

Some WRIU DJ’s are happy to have interested people help them out during their shows. This is also a good way to learn the ropes around WRIU. Make sure that the DJ you want to help out is actually looking for help before showing up every week!

In addition to music programs, our news and sports departments are often looking for people to aid them in their broadcasts.

Aside from on-air broadcasting, there are lots of other ways to get involved at WRIU in areas like promotions, engineering, production and business. There may even be some open positions on the station’s Executive Board.

Stop by the WRIU Office (328 Memorial Union) or come to a general staff meeting to find out what opportunities are currently available.

If you are not a URI student, but would like to have a program on WRIU, there are sometimes openings for community DJs. Be mindful of both the station’s weekday block format (and weekend lineup) and the station’s non-commercial identity. WRIU is not a vehicle for mainstream commercial music heard on other stations. If you believe that you have a suitable music collection, knowledge and interest, you should drop a note to the appropriate music director to express interest in doing a show so they can keep you in mind if there are any openings in that department and possibly present you to the FM Program Director for consideration.